Ta'njiw na'kuset ne'a'sij kmtniktuk
When the sun appears from the mountain
Aq wela'kw a'sîkîk wejkwapniaq
And the night meets the sunrise
Newtukwa'lukwey ni'n kmtniktuk
I'm alone on the mountain
Me' nutul nitape'skw toqo mu eimu'n
I can still hear you though you're not here
Wju'sniktuk wet-nutmann
I hear them from the wind
Metasta'ql nike'
Love songs now
Je kisa'likl mikwite'lmul ap ki'l
Which even cause me to remember you again
Ta'njiw na'kuset ne'a'sij kmtniktuk
When the sun appears from the mountain
Aq wela'kw a'sîkîk wejkwapniaq
And the night meets the sunrise
[Repeat in French, then in English]