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"Apistanewji'j, me katu kisi kinutmasin ta'n teli l'nuisimk?"
Weli kwasit Apistanewji'j aqq telimatl Kijua'l, "E'e".
"Ke', l'nuisi jel," teluet Kiju. Apistanewji'j ke'kiloqja'latl Kijual
aqq telimatl, "Ni'n kesalul, Kiju." Aqq Kiju apaji
ke'kiloqja'latl Apistanewji'jl aqq telimatl, "Aqq ni'n,
Kesalul, Apistanewji'j aqq me'kitemtmul ta'n teli nata


"Little Marten, did you learn to speak any Mi'kmaq, yet?" Little Marten puts on a bighappy face and answers his Grandma with a, "Yes." "Speak some Mi'kmaw, then,"asks his Grandma. Little Marten gives his Grandma a big hug and tells her, "I loveyou, Grandma." His Grandma gives him a bigger hug and answers Little Marten,"and me too, I love you, Little Marten and I am also very proud that you can speak Mi'kmaq so well."

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