Tech Standards

Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey and Atlantic First Nations Tech Services have launched our framework and collection of resources that support and guide schools with technology implementation. It consists of surveys that will allow you to understand how technology is being implemented in your school, and a series of resources that support the surveys so that you can set goals for your next survey and use the resources to help you attain your goals.

The standards are for First Nation schools in the Atlantic region and they have been designed to be used by your community without our oversight, but we understand that an ambitious initiative like this may require support. We are happy to support your school both virtually and in person. You can email with any questions you have about the standards, or if you need technical assistance with anything related to technology in your school.

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5 Primary Sections

The framework is divided into 5 primary sections.

Red - Devices
Green - Hardware
Blue - Software
Purple - Multimedia
Gold - Education

The approach to technology implementation follows a cyclical pattern:

Red to Green - Start with devices and use them to understand hardware.

Green to Blue - Understanding hardware will help demystify code and software.

Blue to Purple - Understanding devices, hardware, code, and software insures the highest quality multimedia can be created.

Purple to Red - Purchasing new devices is informed by what goals are set for multimedia production.

Gold - Education acts as a golden thread that ties all these sections together.

Watch "Sections" Video

The Framework

The framework measures each section on 5 levels.

Starting Point

The framework will come with several resources to help you move towards technology self sufficiency.

They include:

  • Product Purchasing Guide
  • Device Refresh Strategy
  • Device Loan Agreement
  • Technology Acceptable Use Agreement
  • New Employee Technology Guide
  • Equipment Training Strategy
  • Technology End of Life Disposal Options

Mobile Devices

Mobile devices are portable devices that run operating systems, examples of these include Notebook computers, iPads, Chromebooks, and smartphones.

Large Screens

We are defining Large Screens as anything larger than 16 inches. A TV, smartboard, or projector that students and teachers can connect their devices to are what we have in mind.


General hardware describes devices used either on their own, or as accessories for your mobile devices and workstations. These enhance learning in multiple ways and create new opportunities for reaching all learners.


Networking describes all of the equipment and software used to provide internet connectivity in your school.

General Software

General software is all of the computer programs and apps you use in your school.

Computer Science

Computer science describes anything related to programming and the STEAM fields.


Multimedia is anything related to audio, video, and photography or any combination of all three.

Digital Citizenship

A digital citizen is a person using information technology in order to engage in society, politics, and government. It’s hard to imagine an adult today that is not a digital citizen, but most of us weren’t taught how to act in this virtual space. MK’s Technology Implementation Standards will help with this challenge by providing training and resources on digital citizenship.


The education section is used to measure how well your school administration promotes Information Communication Technology (ICT) outcomes, how many teachers are learning about them, and how much professional development opportunities related to meeting ICT outcomes are being offered to teachers.

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Survey Process

There is a survey for the entire school, and there is a survey for individual teachers and staff. The goal of the school’s survey is to understand the potential within the school.

The goal for the teacher's survey is to understand in more detail how the school is succeeding so that the school can begin playing to their strengths right away.

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SAMR Model

Several sections of the standards are measured using the SAMR model.

The SAMR model of measuring how technology is used in the classroom has 4 levels.

The 4 levels are grouped into two sections; the Substitution and Augmentation levels are viewed as enhancements, while the Modification and Redefinition are transformational in terms of how technology supports learning.

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About the Logo

The logo is a Mi’kmaq version of a medicine wheel, it is represented by a waltes dice. Each section is tied together by a golden thread, with you represented in the middle by the dot. The colours each represent an element and aspect of ourselves.

They are:

Red - Fire/Body
Green - Earth/Environmental
Blue - Water/Spirit
Purple - Air/Mind

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